New Canaan Scouts

The Cub Scouts of New Canaan wish to thank their volunteers for making the 12th-annual Rockets and Ice Cream Social the best yet. Check out the shots below to see how much fun was had.

Missed it? Can't wait till the next one? We'll be back at Waveny Park on Tuesday June 4th 2024 (June 5th if it rains) for more out-of-this-world fun. Check back here in March for updates.

You might be wondering, what exactly is the Rockets and Ice Cream social? Well, it's part stem event, part ice cream social, part end-of-year celebration, and part recruitment event. At the Rockets and Ice Cream Social you learn about model rocketry and scouting while enjoying refreshing ice cream and entertainment, from the delightful MC to the exciting rocket launches. Additionally, interested families can sign up for the scouting program right then and there at the event. Click on the links below to learn more.